Technology will take your be leader of the world.Touch the future by your hand.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Monday, 30 August 2010
Overview of Macbook.
Saturday, 28 August 2010
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Tuesday, 17 August 2010
What Kindle and IPad Differences ?
Friday, 13 August 2010
The Kindle - A Best E-book Reader

Sunday, 8 August 2010
The Apple iPhone 4.The Ultimate Smartphone Technology
Friday, 30 July 2010
Getting the Best Value of GPS Device For Your Car
Friday, 23 July 2010
Choosing a Digital Camera - Seven Important Camera Features
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Why LCD TVs Make Perfect Gifts?
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Hot Tips For Discovering Cheap Laptop Computers
To get cheap laptop computers, you need to know what spec to focus on. In this section i will review some of my experience in getting cheap laptop computers. There are a few major specs that everyone is looking at, they are:
1) Processor: This is the spec you want to focus on, if you are comparing two models of laptop computers. (for example, two laptops have the same price but one offer higher processor speed and the other one offers higher RAM, which one will you choose?) Of course, the answer is choosing the one with higher processor speed. Why? it is simple. You can't change the processor of your laptop once you bought them. Secondly, RAM is so cheap nowadays and is replaceable. A RAM cost you $30 if you buy them separately but if you get them together with your laptop its gonna cost you $100.
What processor to choose? That really depends on your budget. If you have extra bucks to spare. Get a higher speed processor and your laptop computer will perform slightly better. Do not get too pump up when you are considering sparing some money on this spec. Always focus on your budget. They are lots of good deals out there, just keep searching:) i would suggest spend extra 5 to 10% of your budget on this.
2) RAM Most of the time people end up spending extra $100 to $300 just to get a couple gig of RAM. I will put least focus on these spec, as i know that i can change them later. Laptop usually comes with two slots of RAM. As regard on how to buy the right RAM for your laptop, check it out at any computer store. They are more than willing to help you, sometimes even replace them for you. If you are shy or the shop sales man is not friendly. Go to this site to find the right RAM. As regard on how to replace laptop memory (RAM), google them and you will get tones of feed back and even video showing you how to do it.
3) Weight This is tricky. Why? sometimes you may think that you travel a lot. but end up placing the laptop in your room most of the time. If you are a casual user, who do not need to bring your laptop with you everywhere you go then ignore this spec. You pay for the portability and most of time you will have to pay a higher price to get the same spec of laptop. Try to imagine where are you going to use your laptop most often and you will get your answer right away. If weight is not important to you then good job, you save yourself at least $100 or more. One step nearer for your goal to get cheap laptop computers.
4) Screen Size To get cheap laptop computers, you will always go for 15 inch screen (15 to 15.9 inch to be specific) Why? this is the standard size where the manufacturer mass produce. If you go an inch higher or lower, its gonna cost you. (about $100 or more - depends on the brand). The second thing is if you want a bigger screen, go get a larger external monitor for a cheaper price and of better quality (effects and size).
5) Hard drive Hard drive nowadays is cheap and you can get an external hard drive (small USB powered hard drive) for a cheap price. 5400 RPM is good and 7200 RPM is better. Do not shop for size. Shop for speed (RPM). If you need extra low speed memory, you can always get them later for a very cheap price.
6) Video memory If you play games in your laptop ( i mean graphic demanding games), then you might want to spend extra cash for a dedicated video memory (graphic cards in short). I do not recommend buying a gaming laptop. Why? you not only need to have a dedicated video memory, you also have to get a faster processor, higher RAM and a faster hard drive. I would suggest buying a gaming desktop. You can get the same specs or even better specs for a cheaper price.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Desktop, Laptop, Macbook, Which is Right For You?
Now let us break down the main difference between the desktop and laptop. Here is the rundown:
Desktop computers have more power and more room for adding more power. This is because the amount of space in a desktop computer is greater which allows for a more powerful, well everything. From a faster video card, to processor to additional RAM and more, you can have it all with the proper desktop. Go ahead and add on this better airflow and cooling and you have got an overall faster machine. A faster, yet stationary, machine.
As for laptop and or Macbook computers: while laptops cannot stand up to desktops when it comes to pure power, they offer something else, mobility. If you travel a lot you will most certainly want a laptop. From business trips to taking notes in your college classes, laptops offer the ability to move around. This is not to say your laptop and or Macbook will be slow, they certainly will have enough power for most every day users.
So what is the final verdict? Well I cannot decide for you, because each person is different. All I can offer is the main differences in these two types of computers (desktops and laptops) and ultimately the final decision will be yours.
To summarize it all up for you. Picking the right computer for you will most probably take you some time and most probably take you some research. But once you are done and take that final step to purchasing your next computer you will want it to be the right one. After all, most people end up keeping the same computer for a while before replacing them and I am sure you will most likely want to do the same.
The Apple IPad - What is it For?
It certainly offers the familiar Apple functions, such as access to the iStore and its list of Apple apps, the wireless internet access so that we can use the web applications and all the sites that we normally get to using our laptops or mobiles. We can listen to music on the iPad and we can play games too. In fact, it sounds a bit like the iPhone does it not? Without the phone!
Anyone can use the iPad: there are no windows, no files, just apps to use one at a time. “What no multitasking?” I hear you cry? No, not yet, will it come in the future? Maybe.
There is no camera, but hey it’s not a giant mobile phone, it’s an iPad; it is not a notebook, it’s an iPad. Will they add a camera? Maybe - probably.
If we take a quick look at the technical side, it has a 1024 x 768, 9.7 inch diagonal screen. The iPhone screen, incidentally, is 480x320 and 3.5” diagonally. It has a choice of 16gb, 32gb or 64gb flash drives installed. Its processor is a 1 GHZ Apple A4 processor with integrated 3D graphics, power management and audio, storage and I/O interfaces. Due to the fact that all of these functions are on a single chip it makes the Lithium-polymer battery a good contender in the best battery life competition.
Wi-Fi-only Apple iPads can run with a 10-hour battery life which will be perfect for those long plane journeys and much longer than a mobile computer. A shorter life if you are playing games, however.
The technology looks OK, the battery life is very good, it’s new and it’s from Apple: that may be enough to sway you into buying one. The price is seen by some as excessively high but you can make your own mind up about that as thousands of iPad owners already have. If you do not have an iPhone the Apple iPad will be a treat for you, but you will still need a cell phone if you have one.
If you have an iPhone and have seen all of the apps and experienced the touch screen technology and played music and games you might struggle to find the right use for the iPad. However, I feel this is just the beginning. It can only get better, new releases will come and functionality will improve, though I doubt if the Apple iPad will get any cheaper.
One thing is sure: until it does not have to boot up like any other computer, tablet or not, it will never have use as a phone unless it is independent of the iPad itself. That one factor will reduce its attraction to iPhone users that already have many of the apps they need - the Apple iPad then becomes no more than a computer and e-reader without excelling at either.